For example, and because of this experience I am about to relate, I had no idea that someone was able to hack pokemon games to make their own sub-stories in the world, and fewer could imagine that it was possible to make a physical copy that hack in a real cartridge.
However, I had the misfortune to learn a most disturbing way possible.
When I was younger, Pokemon Gold was my first game in the popular franchise. I became very attached to the little creatures my character (who I put my name even when I chose the male character being female) caught and occasionally fantasized about the adventures we would have in a story line invented by me.
That's not very important or irrelevant, anyway.
What is important is the fact that I never left my childhood fantasies, memories of that first game were too adored by myself and let them go. For that reason I have still my old Pokémon Gold cartridge, complete with a total abuse of the copy glitch. However, I refuse to re-start my game, because I'm afraid that the magic of this ancient game is lost.
I wanted to play a whole new game version with the memory that I was happier, but older cartridges are rather hard to find outside the internet today, the most I can find in the markets for used items are GBA games, and very hard to pokémon.
Fortunately for me, my grandmother still fully supports my long-standing love for Pokemon and very often I buy boxes of cards, toys, video cassettes and other products with which it is in his frequent visits to local auctions. To make clear, few of the things that gives me are in good condition: things long forgotten, stored in a musty basement after the infant stage of the business almost never are. But, gifts are very dear relative, the treasure as if made of gold (the pun was not my intention).
Most recently, she gave me a box with a video cassette in perfect condition containing the first episodes of the first season, several hundred battered and well-worn letters, ... and a GBC game cartridge without label.
The cartridge was the familiar metallic gold color of the game I was looking for. Even when the label had been removed, and a huge red X had been drawn in the place where the sticker used to be, I could easily say that game was ... what else could have that color? You can imagine my excitement for finally finding another copy (I hate ordering things online, so this was a huge relief). I thanked my grandmother with love and promised to play as soon as I got home, which I did.
Start was a little difficult, not because the game was damaged, but that he had sold my Gameboy Advance to my younger brother years ago by some of their best cards of pokemon ... when something belongs to him, it's hard to get me pay. I guess that's the sibling relationships.
After several bribes, I finally had my hands on my former GBA and quickly introduced the game. Chills filled my body as the start of game animation started playing, sending a wave of nostalgia for me. It was good to see the animation again.
The game opened normally, the pixelated image of Ho-oh flying through the sky beneath the title was presented before heading to the normal selection screen. The person who had owned the game before he left the game in the game, but it mattered little what someone did before me. Considering the condition in which their possessions were, it must have been very young. My common sense told me that he was doomed to know a team filled with ridiculous names Pikachus if I dared to open the game.
I started a new game.
Here's when I noticed something was not quite right with the game. The common introduction involving the teacher introducing you to the world of Pokemon was not shown. Actually, things went more or less like this:
It started with a black screen, which was quite familiar considering that this was how the Gold, Silver and Crystal versions began. But instead of the normal dialog window asking, "What time is it?" Window saying something like ...
The Pokemon are just tools.
Use them, then throw them in the trash.
The black screen faded, revealing an empty area at night. It seemed familiar; vaguely remembered as a route on one of the parts of the early game, but as he had not played in so long, I did not realize where it was.
In the silence of this scene, the sprite of your rival-I, henceforth call Silver, as in the original games came on the scene, from left: He moved a little slower than normal, as if hesitant about something. Once I get to the middle, he stopped and looked back to see the place where it came from, then turn around again to where it was going, and turned to walk back to the place from which it came.
For a moment, he stood there looking at the left side of the screen before a dialog appeared under the saying nothing more than "...". After that, he returned to turn around, only this time out of the screen.
The scene faded to be replaced with Silver standing in the place where you know for the first time officially, just outside the laboratory of Professor Elm. Clearly was in a slightly more advanced part of the game than normal, while I could see the professor and his assistants out of the lab going separate ways: attendees left the city, and Elm walked down into the city, which I does assume that he went to his house in the village. The character of Gold (the usual protagonist) was not seen anywhere.
After that short scene, the screen went on Silver. I thought the game had frozen at first, but I finally realized I was able to move it. Honestly I was kind of excited, Silver was-and it always will be, my favorite rival, and it was interesting that he could still play.
I moved further down to see if I could explore, but I stopped every time he took a step away from the front of the lab. A dialog jumped saying "I can not leave yet ..." and made me go back a step. I moved to where it originally stood and moved me to the window. It worked like a door, because it brought me into the lab.
Aside from the regular equipment-bookshelves with books, computers, garbage cans, all that, the lab was empty; what was to be expected since the employees had been minutes before. On the table was a single Pokeball, and not having a pokemon yet, I walked over and took it.
A dialog appeared saying "You got one Totodile" but not the usual music when an object is grasped reproduced ... apparently, stealing was not tolerated by either the game. After pressing "A", gave me the option of naming the pokemon, to which I replied "Yes" because I love to put these creatures nickname. When I took the screen to appoint another dialog appeared, interrupting the naming process:
"No you will not name! Only you will generate a useless link.
I do not love, use it. "
Clearly was the "voice" of the person who spoke first. I found it strange ...
The naming screen faded leaving me in an empty laboratory, and immediately tried to walk out the front door, but I stopped Silver saying "I will not go there ...". Again, I went back and went through the window of input use.
As if things were not strange, when I left New Bark Town to begin my adventure and set foot in the tall grass, it was almost impossible for me to attack a wild pokémon. Normally, I would go a different route to avoid the grass later in the game, but I enjoyed the top level up my pokemon ... so you will not be able to find something to fight was a bit frustrating.
After several minutes of walking back and forth in the grass boxes, I finally found a pokémon. A Sentret, nothing out of the ordinary, but when I went to send my Totodile and choose the only useful move he had in that time-Scratch-, the pokemon fled. I was pretty confused, wild pokemon never fled ... at least not that pokémon. After a few more attempts, every game just ended, so I continued to Ciudad Cerezo disappointed.
Just prior to entering the city, I recognized the area before the city as the place where Silver was walking early in the game. Upon entering the city, I found Gold, who wordlessly challenged me to a battle. Your Pokémon, Cyndaquil, was already a slightly higher level than mine (I was still stuck at level 5, while he was already on level 7) and even when it had the advantage of type, beat me. Before fainting, Cyndaquil sprite was changed to Gold ... looked disappointed.
After leaving the center Pokémon City Cherry-I had not used before, but apparently it was my only option, I walked to where Gold had challenged me only to realize that he could return to fight him at this point.
The game was getting a bit annoying now: he had no money, no Pokégear or Pokédex, and was unable to fight wild Pokemon. Fortunately, once I entered Route 30, had other coaches with whom he could fight and easily beat ... though none of them seemed to want to talk to me after you win.
By then, he had come to City Malva, but the level of my pokémon was still too low to beat the leader. But with the money I earned from coaches that I fought before, I could at least buy some potions, so I felt I was ready. Fitness coaches were sufficiently weak that I just forced to use two of the potions I bought, and I could level up once. Still, when faced the gym leader, proved to be too much for me and I lost. After winning the Gold did what ... and looked disappointed as he.
When the battle was over, I did not faint, but I had to endure a lecture about treating pokemon correctly from the leader. Once finished speaking, he received a one-word option "Steal?"
Visit the only option they gave me, "Yes."
Silver stepped back and lunged at the leader, sending several pictures back. Another dialog appeared informing me that he had stolen the medal of the gym, MT 31, and $ 500.
After that, I fainted.
And so continued the game, I can beat the weak coaches was on the roads and in gyms being, but always lost against the leaders and I was forced to steal their medals. The option to "steal" also worked on people you normally would an object in the game, and that's how key got objects like Buscaobjetos, cycling, water spray, MO's and many more ... otherwise not me given.
Anyone who refused to reimburse talked the talk, greeting me only with a terse "..." or giving me lectures about how to treat Pokemon properly ... and Nurse Joy started treating me well. The time had come to Goldenrod City, whenever I passed out, the nurse scolded me.
Wild pokémon were avoiding me, and if I wanted my team was expected to improve the Pokéballs he used to pokémon caught at first. What was strangest battles with wild Pokémon was that even when the pokémon made to stay in the battle with Evil Eye, the Pokemon fainted. Literally. After using Mean Look-if he could strike first, as the enemy pokémon sometimes had more speed than mine, before I could choose another movement, the only wild pokemon faint.
The dialog window saying "Insert name El-pokemon he forced himself to faint!" And the battle ended.
The only thing that seemed to be normal at least for me were the battles with Team Rocket. Always won against them and always treated me like a nosy kid who got in his way.
The rest of the game to some extent is not very important. Aside from winning and steal, everything was more or less normal. While my pokemon matured slowly due to frequent loss, yes they could begin to love and which led them to cut their hair and those other little things that made the biggest bond of friendship. The last time I checked, the person who measured the happiness of Pokemon, one of the only characters who usually spoke to me said "This pretty happy."
I think they must think this is not disturbing in the least, and should accept that the hack was just a game made to show off Silver in history ... well, I accepted it and it was, but the story is not over yet .
Once we finally got to Kanto-continuing through the process of win, lose, and steal-, I ventured into Viridian City. The moment you set foot in the city, the music was cut. At first I thought it was just a glitch in the programming, and that from now on would have to endure a game without sound. But staying stopped for a while there, he could hear a faint sound that faded.
Was sure now that the music was ruined, as if trying to reproduce, but could not. But when I stepped back to the path I came, the music was turned perfectly ... only the Green City that was silent.
Now I was curious, so I went back to the silent city and began to explore. There was not a person in sight ... no one on the outside, no one in the houses even had people at the center pokémercado and Pokémon. The city was entirely empty ... just the silence and the occasional soft sound that could not yet identify.
When walked towards the gym, the sound grew louder. I assumed the noise came from inside, so I went into the gym. There was nobody in either, but that was expected, the gym was empty even in the original game.
The noise was not heard here, but was still deathly quiet.
Walk to where the gym leader used to be, and went from that point to hit brick wall-I do that sometimes, I like the sound, and then I was transported to another room ... The wall hid stairs.
The place was also in dead silence ... but the sound began to ring again. Was much higher this time, and I could identify a lot of random sounds excruciating ... together, they sounded like screams.
Now I should imagine that my heart was beating so hard ... I can not stand the screaming-or things that sound like cries-because of an unfortunate experience with a very real haunted house that was when I was three years ... but I digress.
Although my hands were shaking and my heart was unbearably, I scanned the room, which was tinged with dull red as Pokémon Red. The room was a zigzag pattern and screams sounded random, some short, some long, exaggerated ... sounded like they were torturing someone.
As I continued down the zigzagging hallways, I came across several disturbing images: sprites of NPCs without head or heads without bodies. Whenever I tried to examine the bodies, Silver said "Do not look ..."
The bodies and heads became increasingly frequent as he advanced, obstructing the way and leaving little space for walking ... and screaming is even more frequent.
The screen started flashing while walking, just as it does when a pokemon is poisoned ... but I was sure that none of them was. Just in case the menu I opened my computer to check. None of my pokemon was poisoned, but his health had begun to decline. In an attempt to fix, take a super potion from my backpack and tried to use it on Feraligatr.
A dialog appeared saying "You will have no effect."
Now I was disturbed, I knew none of this would happen. But bear in mind, I continued forward, hoping that when they pass out for this, would be returned to a pokemon center and things would return to normal.
Stupid ... I was assuming that ...
I continued along the morbid path, the screen flashing. I began to notice that even Silver walked slower ... I do not know what, but something was absorbing the energies of both my pokémon as mine.
Finally, Silver stopped when the dialog jumped to say that all my pokemon were fainted ... but said I expected.
He said "ARE ALL DEAD".
By then I was ready to mourn, but I could not stand myself trying to get to the bottom of this disturbing experience ... if you did not do this now, I would be tempted to just try again ...
Finally, I reached the central room, which was dyed a deep red ... I assumed it was to simulate the fact that the room was full of blood, but there were only a few bodies scattered around it. In the center, there were a few figures, a man, an unidentifiable Pokemon, Pokemon Gold and one that could only assume was his Typhlosion.
Gold's Typhlosion attacked the man's pokemon, but was shot quickly, becoming red sprite first, then gray, then disappearing ... the man pokémon had killed him.
The sprite of Silver took a single step and the man finally noticed his presence.
GIOVANNI: Ah, son, you're home. You came to see the death of your opponent, right?
This caused Gold to turn around to look at you. All he said was "..."
Silver continued to move alone: He approached the man and struck him, throwing him backwards ... which obviously enraged Giovanni.
GIOVANNI: Are you going to help?
You have become as weak as the others!
If you think it's worth saving ...
Maybe I should show ... it makes no sense to link!
Mewtwo, take charge of it!
Mewtwo obeyed the orders of his creator and approached Gold. I'm still not sure what actually did, but I struck Gold, causing yell much higher than before, while his head and lost sprite faded from red to gray.
GIOVANNI: I told you long ago, Silver, that life is manipulate or be manipulated.
The Pokemon are just tools.
People are just tools.
After discharge their responsibilities, are useless ...
Kill him!
The Mewtwo did not obey this time; Giovanni's words must have enraged. He turned to this and really talked.
Mewtwo: ... You are no longer useful ...
Giovanni hit as it did with Gold and Typhlosion, but the scream Giovanni produced was much longer than anything I've heard ... Mewtwo was torturing.
Finally, the scream faded into nothingness and Giovanni's sprite did as the Gold ... leaving only Silver and Mewtwo alive in the room. Mewtwo then faced me, and I knew ... I knew it would not last much longer ...
Mewtwo: ... Useless ...
I hit, sparking a battle in which he was completely unable to participate. My sprite was in the place of pokémon, my health had declined by half, but I knew it did not matter anyway. He was lost. I chose to run, but I could not ... I chose to attack, but there was no move to use ... All I could do was stand there as Mewtwo used Psychic on Silver's defenseless image.
Even with the sound on, the cry that came from Silver was disturbingly high, much higher than any of the above. Even as the battle screen faded away, the scream lingered until Silver's sprite turned red and then gray - what now assume symbolizes the coldness of death ... - ... Silver, along with Gold and all that were unlucky enough to hang around that place Green City, were dead.
The screen faded black turning, everything except the sprite of Mewtwo, still in the center of the screen. My paranoid mind immediately made me think that at any moment he was going to kill me turn somehow, but the word "END" appeared just below it, and the screen finally went black, and I returned to the startup sequence game.
I'm still not sure why they made this game because someone just shoved it in a box to sell and why it turned out that I found it ... But I can assure you that I will not put my hands on another game found randomly ... or again, or not I dare to touch it.
This game I just described escaped my possession since the first time I played it ... I have no idea where it is, but I hope that this rotting in a swamp either. If you arrive to find a cartridge with a red cross on the label where it should be ... I do not play ... play experience can change you forever ...
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