To do so does not take much, just you ... and obviously a bed. Or where you usually sleep. Anywhere account.
Latches lock yourself in your room, you just have to be you. No one else. Close each window or place where air can enter or leave. We do not want to escape what you want to invoke.
LIGHTS, demons and creatures of darkness hate and do not want to disturb them before you start.
Here is the interesting thing. Say or think about it in any way is an invocation.
"serpente per la ali, tenebre e sangue ... ora voglio giocare with you, the mind and non voce
temono li, oggi sono venuto a sfidarli "
Well, you read in your mind. Everything is now ready.
Now lie down, and turn around to the right side, his back to a corner of your room. flashes times your age and mutters:
"questi indietro?" (Are you back?)
You will not have answer, but there is something wrong in all this. You have invoked "Sotto" the demon that lives under the bed, if you do not sleep one night right with her back ... then you can see it. And believe me, it will not be pleasant. This is what I hate most, combined. There is much less accurately a particular language.
Benefit: When invoking a demon, especially Sotto there are several events that can occur ... first, you'd stop having nightmares and even did not dream anything. Sleep for more hours and your vitality you will be healthier.
Consequences: Every night have to sleep in the same position, forcing you to not change overnight, you have to turn his back on "Sotto" if not, you'll see. This should be your whole life.
Do you really want to?
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