Pedro was almost like a brother to John as both were known for some years and were inseparable. The two went to the same school, were in the same class and almost always organized group work came together.
One day the science teacher sent a fairly rare though certainly entertaining task: students should bring samples of different types of land according to the depth, saving a handful of dirt bags five inches to dig through it. As usual, John and Peter came together to work, but actually that of "work" was a pretext, an excuse to both get permission from their parents to go to the woods outside of town.
Once there they decided that they should not look too far and who is in danger of being lost, not the first time some inexperienced hikers became disoriented in it (in some cases with fatal results). Marked with chalk every tree they passed not to confuse the way back and started to go a little more than what was agreed in the depths of the imposing mass of trees. It reached a point clear stranger caught their attention.
- This site is perfect for digging, here we sure did not bother the roots of the trees and the stones also seem "comfortable" and we can sit down to eat a sandwich, 'said John.
- The sandwich I'll eat while escavas, because since then I do not think the new shirt dirty "- joked Pedro getting spoiled child voice.
- Tell you what, we eat the sandwich now full stomach we play heads or tails "- John was hungry for nearly an hour said.
After fifteen or twenty minutes of laughs and jokes, finished their lunch and John took out a coin.
- The loser starts, we are five minutes each and we continued the other. That by the "witch science" I do not think from my back. We will not bury anyone, so 50 inches deep at most.
- Okay, get ready to lose - Pedro said as he pulled out of his backpack gardening tools he had asked his father borrowed.
John lost the launch and a bit listless began searching everywhere to choose where to start digging. Suddenly saw a lot of red mushrooms with white dots, all growing together in the same place. That aroused in him a childlike enthusiasm that made him run to dig into the place like mushrooms will indicate their presence the possibility of finding something strange underground.
- I'll save a few mushrooms to the witch, with a little luck are poisonous lol - he said as he got into one of the small bags a soil sample from the surface.
Touching the ground with his hands shivered throughout the body, suddenly began to be afraid and jumped up.
- I'm cold, colder here than in the whole forest! - Shouted Peter.
- Haha, oh yes, oh yes, you are above a cursed place or there's a ghost right where you are digging - Peter said, ridiculing his friend.
Juan for taking the courageous kept digging and gathering land in different bags every five inches deep. Meanwhile, Peter explored the landscape and played soccer with a rock.
- Look! - John screamed as he took a few minutes digging. Peter ran to see what John was showing so exaltation, a redhead doll about a foot. Looking at her he felt a chill ran it bone and disgust knotted around his neck like a grotesque and full of sharp long legged centipede.
- Aaaaaggh loose that! - Peter exclaimed with a mixture of horror and disgust as she turned away from that hideous one-eyed doll that John held in his hand.
John looked confused looked back at the wrist and let horrified to see the same as Peter, worms, grubs huge. Writhed inside the rubber head doll, moving like possessed and began to take their little heads from the cavity once the missing eye that redhead doll covered by clothing that mysteriously retained their whiteness almost intact was ...
- But when the well was dug, was beautiful and seemed to smile.
The only remaining eye to the wrist was disturbing: Big but with the whites painted black and with a small and intensely red iris in which there was a tiny, demonic pupil.
What kind of sick mind would have a one-eyed doll hidden underground? Why worms thronged head doll? Is it really cold that John mentioned?
Both boys, really scared, ran the place, feeling the gaze of one eye of the doll were nailed in the back. They stopped only a few times, times that John stopped vomiting normal thing if we think we have put his hands hundreds of worms inadvertently. But at home it seemed that John did not leave him nausea, vomiting and his face was turned to a pale yellowish hue.
The two friends thought he would recover in a few hours, but it was not, with the passage of time it became increasingly thin and pale and weak. He looked like one of those terminally ill who have spent years fighting death in a hospital room and the doctors were correct in diagnosing a cause for their illness. A week after unearth wrist Juan died.
Grief over the death of his friend, Pedro began interacting more and more with others and have a recess in the school library, at home avidly devoured books and weekends visiting bookstores. Books were his new friends, and shelter. He sought medical explanations and to understand what happened to his friend, but the symptoms were so many that suffered Juan seemed to several deadly diseases contracted simultaneously.
One day, a strange bookstore, Peter found in the book section on Esoteric rites and legends. It was an old, worn book, a book of those that we hardly are and have strange drawings among its dusty pages. There was as follows by the drawing of a doll like (except that it was not one-eyed) that he found his friend:
<< Whoever has an incurable evil, to bury a doll just like this while singing this invocation. His illness will be trapped on the wrist. But first get the disease found her and die unless they perform the same ritual >>
Everything was clear: worms, fungi, cold, all indications were that the doll was found in the woods a fucking doll. A doll in which by some witchcraft covenant or someone had unleashed a curse that would condemn sick who found her while he healed his body and his soul sentenced.
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