When you reach the Germanic country I found awesome, my brother met me at the airport, had apparently done well as a writer, wore clothing label and had a 1500 Volkswagen convertible, which was somewhat surprising. He received me with great affection after returning to see his brother had not seen for 11 years, was a typical conversation of people who have affection and are not long ago: "How are Mum and Dad ?, Have ?, girlfriend ?, etc. You make some sport
He took me to his house, a beautiful luxury villa is a nice neighborhood, everything was perfect, invited me to stay as long as I need, even if they are years. Such beautiful memories I have trouble relating them to such terrible events that would approach.
The first week was dream, my brother took me to the Ludwig-Maximilians-University or LMU (Munich Univerdad) college and I could enroll my brother helped me with the language issue which I was not a big problem thankfully. To avoid problems for my brother learned how to travel from our home, it was a journey of about 40 minutes by bus. The first time I made the short trip I went to the station where many people had hurried, but in particular I was struck by an image ... was a thin man sitting on the floor, it was striking because it was rare to see beggars, this beastman completely black with a hooded sweatshirt, slippers, cloth (like all Star), jean pants and gloves, all the same color. This figure made me very curious and very openly would change angle to see his face, which fortunately did not arrive on time for my bus. It was an ordinary class, fuss, but the class focused my attention on that person as curious, at the end of the day I resigned and I felt stupid for my child suspicion. Surely there was someone waiting someone tired and sat on the floor, that is, who does not hiso? There would be nothing wrong.
The next day I saw the same figure in the same place this time caught my attention even more, I began to look at profile position but had his head down looking rather playing with him at hand, it was ... something like a knife ... I walked away and went back to the bus line, surely it was a criminal or a pickpocket, who used it to threaten or open bags, very common where I come from. Immediately completely lost my ateneción.
Every day and every evening when I returned from college I saw him sitting there against the wall, hidden hard shadow. It was as if nobody saw it, I watched watchful waiting one day get up and go into action, but it never happened.
One day and to about 6 or maybe 7 months of my arrival a great storm arose, however dignify decided to go to college, since yield a midterm exam on that day. I reached the station, it was practically deserted, I was alone with the sound of rain background. I looked where he was always the guy in black, and I missed something very rare in the head, what if I talk ?. I went up in front of him and said:
-Hallo, Bist du hier - did not answer and continued as usual playing with his scalpel, mockingly asked him the question in Spanish Hello, you're doing here? followed-the no answer, finally I told him in English, getting ready to leave.
Hi - I replied in English with an English accent, in turn lifted her face and had a blue mask.
I thought I was crazy or something, then I pretended not to hear and I was once again waiting for the bus. With the panoramic view vi as rose. I never had such a big wish that someone would come. Without a word he stood beside me, trying to break the ice I said a comment on the dismal weather, I said nothing and kept looking (if I could through his mask). Immediately came the bus and I was relieved to get on and leave it behind.
That was the moment when everything stopped go smoothly, since I got off the bus until I got home to look up was always, always from afar. Whenever someone gave notice when he saw him again he was not already. Upon returning home I told my brother what happened, this is river, and seeing me as procupado this told me I was going to wear on your car tomorrow and that if it happened again to call the police, they are there very effective.
That night I went to bed tired and fell asleep at once, but at 3 in the morning I was awakened by a noise was like a muffled, faint but peturbante groan, I woke up and I was elated to see where it came from. I got to the room and saw my brother as Dantesque picture looked like a postcard mismisimo hell ... my brother was given his back without eyes, tongue, and with open torso and hand this thing in the as rummaging for sweets, worst of all was that my brother still seemed alive and weakly defended by multiple hemorrhages manotasos awkward.
I went into shock upon seeing this picture, my brother was a tall, burly man. The agency turned its head, had the same mask but this time with 2 holes leading to a huge void, as seen through a skull sockets turn as a thick liquid dripped down their fat "watershed" at that moment I remembered there was a gun in the room below, and desperately ran to look. No I managed to make 2 long steps and felt a blow on my neck that knocked me down I turned to me and was the logical ... did not like what I give 2 steps later in the 3 meters and ran without even stirring.
He crouched crouching and I staring observed, some of the liquid from his eyes fell on me and burned like the worst sunburn in the conmosión I managed to grab a bottle of perfume that was nearby and threw it, but I do not understand in that time ceased to be above me. Then I saw him looking at me with something like a meter away, with all my despair I rushed without getting up from all over the banister of the stairs, in the fall he created I broke my leg, but I did not care, I lifted my gaze and was only two meters Is that as possible? How down the stairs as fast as them falling ?. Gave up the fight when he was on me but I just got a face and turned away insisting his trick, then I realized, was playing "cat and mouse" with me. But I told myself that this time the mouse would win, gave me a chance to get to the gun and pointed it at the time, which I pulled the trigger, I saw the bullet went through and turned to carry. I realized I had no chance to win but I clung to my life trying vainly I tackle him in the time that I just knocked his rough and rugged faded neck as blood crusts.
She sat over me and opened a channel to the tendons of my arm, and played moving them one by one while my fingers were moving involuntarily. He was going to make my slow and "funny" death I realized, I fainted.
I woke up in a police hospital I "interrogated" as good as it can do to someone who has no language and can not move the fingers of your dominant hand. I was told that someone removed or disabled many of the parts of my body as my tongue, vocal cords, ears, nose, one of my kidneys, my appendix, many of my fingers, among other things. What surprised was the pinpoint accuracy of the "intervention?" to tell my story and they got discarded as useless. I currently reside in a psychiatric hospital, where I was taught to write with the left, so take the opportunity to write the history. I also commented that I have recorded on my back was a name written with cuts. it says "Jack", so this being / demon I attribute the name "Jack Eyeless" ie Jack eyeless or blind Jack. I know that someone somewhere in the world must meet Eyeless Jack, and an equal share of tragic history. And those who have the good fortune of not had they been found yet, I say, for the sake of you and your loved ones, never .... NEVER LOOK YOUR EYES!
Eyeless Jack
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