domingo, 3 de agosto de 2014


Ever felt a breath beam on the neck? A presence around you ... or more than one? A feeling of loneliness even being in a place with people around ... feeling disappears ... seeing kids rocking and you take hands with the person you love ... if it happened to you may be more complicated than it seems ...
Paso a long time until you note ... sixteen. I'm living in my third house, this is the third move and I feel very comfortable here ... I spend writing or drawing however many times I woke up and my things were elsewhere ... Angry returned all my drawings and other to the folder my mother always complained about having to clean both, the amount of dust in the house was too much for a place in which only two people and a dog live, just try not to care ... after all it was rare that I cleaned the house. Occasionally being on my computer with headphones listening sounds around me ... but take them off did not hear anything ... I remember when my former house girl saw a woman with long hair and black cooking ... bringing dinner to someone, was only a flicker; yet it is different ... in that moment I felt cold ... but now what I feel is warmth ... warmth ... lots of warmth in the home. I kept thinking about that a lot ... a little scared when I suddenly startled even listening to a very considerable heard something fall! It was like .. like a radio or a television ... something more or less large, with a sound to break, I got up and went into the kitchen while my dog barked down ... but no ... there was nothing ... for some strange reason no scared me ... a few months later amid a violent thunderstorm short light, and I sat in her chair while my mother would find candles and my dog chased him wait singing ... and then I felt a noise and a sinking to me ... like someone I would have sat ... felt a warm energy ... and out of curiosity and a bit of discomfort I said ... "leave my side" and felt as if their presence will stop and leave running, hear his footsteps go and a gap that seems to come from another world ... cry was something very strange ...
At home we do not have mirrors ... my mother fears them ... but I have two mirrors pocket and one slightly larger and have never seen something strange ... I used to have some very large but somehow always break, I would not buy another loss money in vain. A quiet afternoon was listening to music and this seems choppy, as if you were mixing with another melody, without hesitation but I thought the radio signal was filed ... but I was forced to leave home and go as I felt a cold liquid drop on my face and my back, like I splashed with water ... still later returned, and the next day the warm feeling was gone ... it was a long time until one night I feel a warmth ... an encouragement to me ... I turned to one side and fell asleep with a smile. I can not lie ... have always liked the macabre things ... always want to become those eternal ... strange characters, these murderers ... or just beings who observe people without being able to see them ... I just feel that presence ... I was surprised that many things of whom wrote in my stories happened, it was something great ... in winter of last year, a plague and a polar wave attacked my city ... but a strange illness that no one knew ... I, my mother, and my boyfriend ... next to a girl survive this ... or that's what I thought ... the city where we walk ... the house I live in ... for months ... were abandoned were rebuilt after a disaster ... learn later on ...
Both my mother and that girl ... like me ... like my boyfriend ... and those kids rocking in the square at night are no longer alive. We are in a strip that divides the world of the living and the dead ... we are still growing, living a normal life, until you get our time to go. I knew something was different, something had changed ... Why we ... we just vivendo under such risks? In the end ... I became that I wanted ... neither human nor ghost ... I am here ... and everywhere ... I can not see you ... but I assure you that when you're near me ... and I can watch you ... Can you feel me? Can you see me? ... Would you fear? Or maybe ... you and I missed part of your memory and find yourself in the middle of nowhere wandering ... until it's time you die? Quiet ... or maybe quiet ... note hurt ... so I just like to watch you and enter your dreams ... this would succeed way to see what I've seen ... what I experienced ... I see ... so alive ... I stalking ... I like mirrors ... I like me ... see my new face, my new be ... look closely at your side in the reflection of the mirror when you feel the icy breath ... do not look beautiful? Tell me ... you did not want to look like me? will hurt ... but do not worry ... not remember anything ...
By the way ... I hope you like my painting ...


Written behind a drawing words framed found beside the corpse, no marks of blood and fighting, just this guy with his face cut and a big smile and a glass mirror in your hand, you could try suicide for superstitious as his family was safe and is found innocent, the drawing is rehung, apparently was of the house and the family did not want to get rid of it, because this guy had already shown signs of suicide attempts before , the safest thing is that these words are found written therein, were removed from the drawing and investigated ... but when trying to communicate with the family seemed to have moved ... but nobody has seen out of there, neighbors said they heard shouts and comments the couple used to see her watching beside the mirror son.

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